Tips For Lowering Your Energy Bill

Tips For Lowering Your Energy Bill

There is nothing like receiving a bill that is much higher than you anticipated and feeling your stomach rise to your throat as you wonder whether you left your hairdryer on perpetually for 4 days straight.

Energy costs can be extremely expensive especially in the winter time. Lowering your bill is as simple as making some basic adjustments in your lifestyle. When the time comes to switch your energy provider, you could consider switching to one of the Reliant Energy plans but, for now, here are some of the best tips for lowering your energy bill and keeping some extra change in your pockets.

Turn Your Heat Down At Night

Nighttime is a great time to take advantage of using a warm fuzzy or goose feather blanket and allowing your body heat to keep your warm underneath its coziness.

Many people leave their heat on at night which is a good 6-10 hours which you could save turning it almost off completely. If your house is properly insulated and you have a quality heating system your house should never get below room temperature. So, use these nighttime hours to cut your bill in half and use blankets instead!

Air Dry Your Laundry

Using a dryer is undeniable a wonderful luxury. Your clothes get dried quickly and come out warm and smelling like flowers, soft as fuzz. However, heaters are one of the most energy-sucking appliances that you can use.

Try to use your dryer less by buying a clothes drying rack and air drying your clothes. You can save yourself hundreds a year just by making this small reduction in energy. Also, your clothes will last longer since they won’t be exposed to so much heat.

Try to only put blankets and towels in your dryer for a week and see how you like it. You’ll find that it really isn’t that much of a difference.

Hand Wash Your Dishes More

In this modern age, it can be so easy to use a dish and simply throw it in the dishwasher which does all of our dreaded dishwashing for us. This modern day marvel is a wonderful luxury, and especially handy if you have a large family and your dishes are piling up all day.

However, a dishwasher sucks an enormous amount of energy. Try to hand wash your dishes when you can and dry them on the rack rather. Not only will this reduce your energy bill but there is a certain satisfaction in knowing your dishes are clean immediately rather than searching for utensils and realizing they’re still in the dishwasher waiting to be washed.

Turn The Lights Off When Possible

Every time you leave a room, try to make it a habit of turning off the lights. Even though you may think it doesn’t cost much to leave a light on for a few minutes, it is always the little things that add up to make our energy bills even higher.

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