Multi-Purpose Interior Spaces Are the New Black

Multi-Purpose Interior Spaces Are the New Black

If you own or live in a newer property which was built in the last few decades or so, the likelihood is that you have considerably less space to work with, both in terms of your interiors and the outdoor areas. If you’ve never owned or lived in an older house or apartment, you may not have all that much to work with by way of size comparisons, but generally properties are getting smaller and smaller, with very limited if any outdoor space available, particularly in the premium real estate areas. This is why it’s become a matter of great importance to make full and proper use of whatever little square footage we have these days. In fact, it’s a little more than just a luxury but rather a real necessity.


In fact, most domestic properties depicting modern architectural styles are pretty much just built to have almost every room function as a multi-purpose interior space, especially open plan interiors. The kitchen often doubles-up as a dining area, with either a bar- or pub-like seating area where you can all sit and eat, or a small kitchen table in the place of what would perhaps otherwise be a “useless” kitchen island. Those are some built-in examples of how interior spaces are increasingly becoming multi-purpose ones, but when you have to take it upon yourself to create multipurpose interior spaces, it can often appear to be a bit overwhelming.

The trick is to sort of let it happen by itself, allowing the interior spaces to reveal their multiple purposes to you. Which space do you use as a make-shift home gym, for example? It’s very likely to be your main living area, so why not permanently dedicate a portion of that living room area to a home-gym, or just a “home-gym area” of the living room. You can make it look really good, design-wise, by perhaps having some rubber gym flooring laid down to clearly distinguish the boundaries of your home gym area from the rest of the living room. This type of flooring looks really good if done right and it can even just be a little corner of the living room where you neatly house all your exercise equipment when it’s not in use.

This way you take nothing away from the main design of the living room, which would probably be a depiction of your normal style and preference. In fact, it can do well to enhance your main living space.

There are many other ways of doing up your interior living spaces to each serve more than one purpose and some of these can even serve up to three purposes. The trick, if you’re decorating, is to deploy interior decor items which look permanent but aren’t really as “permanent” as they appear to be. The rubber flooring idea is just one example of how this can be done, while almost the same effect can be achieved through furniture pieces such as a dining room table doubling up as a workstation.

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