When I think of zip insertions, I recall the lyrics to a Beatles song: The long and winding road … I probably inserted, ripped out and re-inserted this zip about five times. Thank goodness that these days I at least have the sense to baste first.
This was a particular challenge because of the single layer of lace in the upper back bodice. I first inserted the zip with no reinforcing of the seams. Big mistake. Every time I did up the zip, I could feel the lace pulling and stretching. This was a ruined dress waiting to happen and I wasn’t having that.
I did a bit of thinking. I know! I’ll reinforce those raw seams with selvedges from some silk organza. A great theory, but in practice the cream silk organza was very visible through the lace. Not good enough. Not good enough at all.
I ripped out the zip (again) and racked my brains. What could I do instead? Selvedges, selvedges… I knew my instincts were moving in the right direction. After all, selvedges provide great stability. The lace! I could rescue a selvedge from the lace. So, that’s what I did.
I hope you can see in the photo below, where a strip of lace selvedge has been basted to the raw seam on one side. On the other side, you can see the inserted zip.
This worked! My zip insertion felt much more stable and I no longer had to worry about the back bodice stretching out of shape or my zip tearing free of the seam. A bit of lateral thinking did just the trick.
So what is it for you? Selvage or selvedge?