A brilliant bag should be adaptable enough to accommodate all of the functions it may have to deal with in your life. That could be as a spouse, mother, friend, working parent, packhorse, football coach rolled into one. It must be roomy and practical enough to carry all the items one could need in these roles throughout the day, but it must also look good. Bags are now fashionable as well as functional. They are an extension of yourself, an everyday fashion accessory.
For this reason, a custom tote bag to fit the needs within your life, is what you need. Tote bags have an endless number of uses. They can be used as a shopping bag, a gym bag, a work bag, a beach bag, an overnight bag, a school or uni bag, a knitting bag, a laptop bag or a book bag.
But how do I design one?
Here’s our guide to designing your ideal custom tote bag.
We have most likely all been in the unfortunate situation where we have been carrying 3-4 plastic bags full of shopping, when a sharp item or heavy product tears the bag; and you are left with broken bottles and destroyed goods on the side of the road when all of your items hit the floor. Luckily with the rise of tote bags, those days can now be gone.
You can have a bespoke tote bag made out of either organic cotton or canvas, to create a durable bag that is built to last.
Size of your bag
A tote bag is traditionally loved because they can store a lot of stuff. You can fit everything that you will need for a day at work or play into a tote bag and still have room for more. You can now choose to have a bag as big as you like if you want to design a custom tote bag. However, if you enjoy tote bags but would rather have one that is more compact, that is now also possible.
Type of printing
You can get the design you want printed onto your bag in a number of different ways.
If you want your bag to be screen printed, a traditional technique where a stencil of your design is created and then filled with an ink in a quick manner, you can do so. You can have a bespoke design for your tote created and then screen printed.
If you would prefer to have a more complicated design; you can get a digital design directly printed on to the tote bag, or have a digital screen transfer. Alternatively, you can get your design embroidered on the bag with the help of companies like Mato & Hash or similar firms. They can ingrain your selected design on the bag with the color and type of thread you want.
There are a wide variety of colours that you can incorporate in your design, as shown by some of the designs above. Deciding upon your range of colours, especially if you are choosing to have your design screen printed, is an important part of the process.
Extra features
A traditional tote bag is incredibly useful, but when designing your custom tote bag, you can also include some extra features such as your own labels or pockets if you would like some organisation within your tote.