If you’ve just moved house, or just want to redecorate your living room, you’ll know how much of a hassle it can be, and then there is the cost involved. The good news is that it needn’t cost an arm and a leg to have a gorgeous and stylish living room and that’s what we’re going to look at in this post.
First things first, your sofa, chairs, and shelves are almost always going to be the most important part of the room – and usually your most expensive pieces. You may want something classic, such as black real leather sofas, or something a bit more unusual such as animal print fabric. Nowadays, the best way to do to find a bargain is to shop online and check out the different deals that are available. Make sure you shop around, as you’d be surprised at the difference in costs between different companies and look out for sales.
Classified adverts and online auctions can be another way to find a bargain. You can’t guarantee quality on 2nd hand stuff, so make sure to check before you buy – that being said, second hand doesn’t necessarily mean poor quality, if you look around enough you can find something great that’s also a bargain.
Once you have your big pieces of furniture sorted, you can start on the little touches and details that can turn a good room into a gorgeous one.
Lighting is an important part of having a stylish and welcoming living room. Adding a few lamps can warm up the area and make it inviting and relaxing. If you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace, try decorating it with candles in the summer months to have the cosy flickering effect without the heat of a fire burning. Empty wine bottles can make beautiful candle holders too, they look fantastic dotted around a living room and they are amazingly inexpensive.
If you’re just looking to inject a boost of colour to the room, painting one wall in a bold red or vibrant green can bring a new lease of life. If you’re not feeling brave enough to completely change the walls, just painting the door or sideboard can bring a subtle injection of style. If you want more of a subtle change, why not frame some old postcards or posters you may have lying around and add a splash of life to the room?
Lastly, adding some personal objets d’art can make your living room uniquely “youâ€. For example, if you’re an avid reader, books can instantly turn into an end table by stacking a few of your favourite reads – and this can be done for free! If you’re into your sports, perhaps some tastefully framed photos on the wall can point out your allegiance to your guests. If you have musical instruments and are a music aficionado, leaving your instruments displayed in the living room along with your music out on display can give anybody visiting an insight to what you enjoy. This is your living room after all, so make it personal and unique to you.
Author bio: Sam Butterworth is a writer and interior design enthusiast, who currently works for Online Sofa Wholesale http://www.onlinesofawholesale.com/.