Four Prime Sources of Inspiration for Your Next Home Décor Project

Four Prime Sources of Inspiration for Your Next Home Décor Project

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

Likewise, imitation is often the name of the game when it comes to picking and choosing your home décor projects.


While we often know what we want on paper, it takes some serious inspiration to make our projects realistically happen. This is especially true if you’re looking to undertake a tedious task such as painting the entire interior of your home or investing in a fresh set of furniture.

That being said, what happens if you feel the need to redecorate but have absolutely no idea where to start? Where can you draw your own inspiration and motivation to get started with your next decorating project?

Thankfully, there’s no shortage of inspiration online, both through traditional blogs and emerging media that’s transforming the way we revamp our spaces. Whether you’re looking to start a new project or simply need something new to put a fire under you, consider the following four sources of inspiration to get you moving.

The Blogosphere

There’s a seemingly endless sea of blogs out there that cover everything from tiny living to green décor and beyond. With so many niches out there, you can just find about anything decor-wise thanks to a quick Google search. Don’t be afraid to get ultra-specific with your queries: there are blogs out there that cover everything from budget décor to rustic redocorating.

On the flip side, perhaps one of the best ways to inspire yourself is to document your own home décor journey. For example, you could start your own specialty blog in no time flat to hold yourself accountable for your redecorating and serve as a way to support fellow décor and DIY enthusiasts. By including detailed documentation (think: pictures and tutorials of what you’re doing, who’s instructions you’re following) you can quickly build your own niche audience over time.

The Social Sphere

Pinterest is a prime place to get inspired and find ideas for fresh home décor projects. From eye-popping images that show before-and-after home projects to suggestions for simple home pieces, there’s plenty to explore in Pinterest’s home décor tag.

Bear in mind that extravagant décor is all the rage in the social sphere, so don’t get too caught up with the price tag. Whatever projects you decide to take on should be within your budget first and foremost.


YouTube represents a potential goldmine for décor ideas. For example, decor-focused YouTubers  Rachel Talbott and Christy Mel regularly put out content for their subscribers such as seasonal décor tips and affordable home hacks. Video tutorials are easy to follow and quick to digest, representing a great way to absorb lots of new ideas and inspiration at a glance.

The Traditional Tube

Finally, traditional television programs such as Vintage Flip and Propety Brothers on HGTV provide inspiration with a serious entertainment factor. If you’re strapped for ideas, consider putting such programs on in the background while you work to see what others recommend in terms of décor. After all, you never know when a good idea will come to you.

The more you follow home décor trends and fellow DIYers, the more motivated you’ll be to carry out your own home projects. In short, never stop searching for inspiration and constantly be on the hunt for a new project to satisfy your need for change at home.

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