DIY Birthday Goodie Bags

DIY Birthday Goodie Bags

Goodie Bags……. Do any parents really like them?

I only enjoyed them while creating my own DIY Birthday Goodie Bags. Craft time is craft time! But whomever invented the silly ritual of handing out goodie bags is on my list! (Not that I don’t like goodie bags for holidays! Like these adorable treat bags with a window!)

DIY Birthday Goodie Bags - Make your own goodie bags or gift wrap the simple way! See more creative ideas on

Now that my son is older, I am so happy the goodie bag trend stops. I can’t remember exactly when I stopped feeling the peer pressure to supply kids with a bag full of crap…….I mean… goodies for every birthday, soccer game etc… but it was a glorious day not to worry about one more thing. It also meant that my son wasn’t coming home with unwanted sugary treats, plastic throwaway toys etc…      

DIY Birthday Goodie Bags

Seemed like I was always ill-prepared when I needed to supply goodie bags for some event, and I finally just stocked up on generic paper sacks and stamped cute designs. Fast, easy and fun!

If I was going to be a part of problem, then I may as well hand out a stylish one and have fun doing it!

DIY Birthday Goodie Bags | Bug Stamped Party Bags |Find more creative ideas on

Making DIY Birthday Goodie Bags is easy, fun and can be catered to any theme. This is also great forlast minute gift wrap too! Even better that kids of all ages can help.

DIY Goodie Bag Supplies

  • plain paper bags – you can use the regular kraft brown, or pick up colored.
  • washi tape – washi tape is a decorative tape that you can find in your local craft store.
  • stamps – I used bug foam stamps I had found at Target a few years ago for $1
  • ink or paint – I like using acrylic paints for foam stamps.
  • foam brushes – you’ll need these if you’re using paint.


DIY Birthday Goodie Bags | Bug Stamped Party Bags |Find more creative ideas on


  1. using a foam brush, coat a foam stamp with a paint color of your choice.
  2. aim for the center of the bag
  3. allow to dry
  4. fill the bag, fold over the top and tape shut with washi tape.

DIY Birthday Goodie Bags | Bug Stamped Party Bags |Find more creative ideas on

It doesn’t have to be fancy! Choose a variety of colors to keep it interesting and stamp away.

Having a few made up ahead of time will come in handy, for when you need to wrap something quick, yet you still want it to look creative. So simple and inexpensive, but so so cute! I’ve always enjoyed theKraft Paper look to gift wrap.

DIY Birthday Goodie Bags | Bug Stamped Party Bags |Find more creative ideas on

Of course these also make adorable lunch bags for school!

Now where’s Mama’s goodie bag?

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