Be inspired, make your life more fun!
About me
Ooh, this is the tricky part!
Well, I’m Catherine, I’m a mother to 2 gorgeous girls, and wife to the Love of My Life (a little yuck, Â I admit), so I guess I’m pretty lucky there.

Despite having my hands pretty full at home, I feel it’s really important to keep up my own hobbies – a great way to get a little Me Time!
In my case, I LOVE arts and crafts! I know, I know; that term seems to cover all manner of sins, so let me be more specific.
I love making things. It doesn’t matter if it’s useful items for our home, decorative ideas, gifts for others. I just love having a go at building something new and unique, and really letting my creative side come to life.
I’ve enjoyed crafty-type activities since I was a child but, thankfully, my creations have become a little more sophisticated and useful over time (at least, I like to think so!) from when I was making pasta pictures for my own mum!

About Blog
My blog, at any given point in time, may have a little bit of everything…general crafting, paper art, wreath making, party planning, sewing, decorating my house for the holidays and every day, making seasonal yard art, cooking..did I say cooking already!.. and many, many other DIY projects.
You name it, I’ve probably tried it! (Possibly unsuccessfully, admittedly…)
Selfish Sewing projects
These little projects are my best; I spend all day doing things for everyone else but to keep been good at it sometime I have to renew my creative energy by sewing something just for myself. I do what I love to do and rewarding me with collection of modern purses, totes, skirts, tops, and scarves is priceless!
Home décor furniture
As a single mother I believe that in decorating homes much can be accomplished with big ideas and a little resourcefulness (and the occasional hot glue gun and spray paint). What I really love best is finding bargains and rearranging my furniture. I love the thrill of the hunt, working with what I have, and figuring out how to make our home work best for us. I enjoy pouring over pretty pictures in magazines and online as much as the next person, gosh… creating a beautiful place to live doesn’t have to be complicated. Me and home decor creativity go long way back, my mom is an excellent seamstress who taught me how to sew. She patiently let me rearrange the living room and the bedroom I shared with my sisters, she also gave me an unquenchable love for spray paint as she painted her outdoor furniture every single spring. I hope this will be carried down by generations and all my creative work and making my kids’ environment colorful and pleasant will play role in their lives creativity tomorrow…
Cooking…I love it…
In the days that I first became a single mom I discovered that beside my kids my life love is cooking. As the kids grew and I became better adept to multitasking, with kids up and hanging all over me, I started to cook even more. These super busy days helped me to even create some recipes that are geared towards making home cooked meals on a budget. I was taught to cook by my mother, who was taught by her mother, to cook by method of “eyeballing†as well as “winging itâ€. I have made some great meals in the past where I just tossed a bunch of stuff into a pot and it came out perfect. My recipes are also quick and easy to make, they are written in measurements to those who cook by my same methods, as well as Single Moms and Bachelors where time and proportions are kind of blurred. I’ll try to add translations when I can, but I make no promises if the recipes do not come out as well.
A Final Word
I would never claim to be an expert on arts, crafts or cooking, but I do love to give things a go. I don’t think you can ever be ‘wrong’ when you come up with your own creations…you just might like some final pieces more than others!
So GO AHEAD! Give a project a go!