A Simple Game Plan for Organizing Your Closet in a Snap

A Simple Game Plan for Organizing Your Closet in a Snap

No one likes the idea of having to organize their closet. It’s boring, it ends up sucking up an entire weekend, and when you’re done, there’s a good chance you’ll just mess it up in a few days. Here are some simple tips on using closet systems and special organization techniques so that this time will be the last time you have to organize.


Make a closet plan. This plan should include items you will keep, items you will throw or give away, a plan for organization, and sorting rules. It doesn’t have to be extensive, but it does have to be practical.

Whittle Down Unused Stuff

Pull clothes out of your closet and set aside seasonal items like winter clothing, summer clothing, etc. Go over every item of clothing. If you haven’t worn it in at least a year, it’s probably time to let it go.


Exceptions might be special occasion dresses, shoes, or other clothing that only gets worn at weddings or parties.

Still, if you have 20 different pairs of “special” shoes, it’s time to make hard decisions about what to keep and what to give away. Pick 5 good “special” items you want to keep, but don’t wear very often. Give everything else away.

Pull out all of your clothes, and anything else, living in your closet. There should be nothing hanging out in there when you start your organization process.

Make Piles

Put your clothes into different piles – one for each season and then sort by what you will keep and what you will sell or give away.

So, you should have five total piles, which will include four seasons and one “sell/give” pile. This is the hardest part of sorting. You need to figure out what you will give away or sell. A lot of people aren’t too good at doing this so, if you need help, call over a friend who isn’t afraid to do the dirty work.

When you’re done, you should have chopped down a lot of your closet, leaving you with your favorite clothing. Yes, you will be giving away a lot of stuff. On the upside, every piece of clothing you wear will be something you love.


Buy a System

This is probably the easiest step: go to a store like Bed Bath & Beyond and look at a few closet systems. These closet systems should include shelving, clothing racks, a place for shoes and belts a well as storage for boxes.

A good system will keep things organized for you so that you don’t have to clean out your closet next month. These systems will run you about $400 to $500, but they’re well worth the money. Once you’ve got your clothes separated into piles, make little tags for sections in your closet system and put everything away.

Your closet is now one big filing system. All you have to do is stick to it. It’s easy to maintain. Shirts go in the shirt section. Pants go in the pants section. Keep shoes in their designated place. Once you get the hang of it, it’s not hard at all.

Gregory Kaplan is a home renovation and repair specialist. He enjoys sharing his experiences online. His posts can be found mainly on home improvement and DIY blog sites.

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