5 Qualities You Want To See in a Window Expert

5 Qualities You Want To See in a Window Expert

For most home improvement projects, you want to hire an expert rather than take the DIY route. The success of the project will come down to the skill and experience of the installer. Before you sign a contract with any company, look out for these qualities during the initial consultation.

1. Licensed and Bonded

Some states, such as Colorado, Indiana and Florida, do not require contractors to have a state license to work on houses. Even if you live in one of these areas, you should still opt for an installer who is fully licensed and bonded. A contractor who has a license when he or she does not need one by law proves that he or she is dedicated to this line of work. Ultimately, a license simply proves the installer can actually install a window.

2. Insured

Another must-have quality is the expert being fully insured. Naturally, you want your new window to come with a high-quality insurance policy that will cover any damage that occurs within a few years. However, you also want to make sure the installer has insurance for the actual work. In the event an uninsured installer suffers an injury while on your property, then you could be liable for damages. An insurance policy lets you off the hook for any injuries sustained.

3. Stable Business Address

You may look online initially to learn about various window installation businesses in your area. For example, if you live in Washington state, you can search for “Olympia Window replacement” to know about a local service provider for window installation. The one thing to look for on the site is a physical address. It helps prove it is a legitimate business and that the contractor is not just some guy who will run off with your money.

4. Solid References

All window experts will tell you they are the best in the city. The only way to really figure out the skill level of an installer is to talk to past customers. They will have no problem telling you whether they were satisfied with a project. An expert who knows his or her worth will have no problem providing you with phone numbers or email addresses of references. However, if all else fails, you should go onto sites like Yelp to find people’s reviews.

5. Experience

One of the first things you should ask a window installer during the consultation is how long the person has been in business. Someone who has worked in the area for over 10 years is a safe bet because you know the installers have a lot of experience installing a wide range of windows. You may feel tempted to help out a new company to give them some business, but you do not want to risk the quality of your new windows by taking a chance. Stick with contractors who have proven themselves.

You should be able to learn about this information from the company’s website, but if nothing else, a consultation will help illuminate things. If you take the time to find the best expert window installer, then you can be confident you will not have to deal with your home’s windows for quite some time.

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