4 instant improvements you can make to your garden’s decor

4 instant improvements you can make to your garden’s decor

Over lockdown, many have decided to get the garden up together with a focus on improving the flower arrangements but also the decor that is used in this important green space. Whilst the summer may be coming to an end, now is the perfect time to make those garden improvements so that you can enjoy next year’s hot season from start to finish.

Some subtle changes like a bird feeder can make a big difference or if you want to add a feature peace bespoke teak furniture adds a durable yet aesthetically pleasing touch.

In today’s blog, we have a look at some of the improvements that you can make to your garden over the next few months.

  1. Create a chill-out space with some teak garden furniture

Many people make the mistake of landscaping their garden without much consideration for where they are going to sit or entertain guests. Do not make this mistake when you are improving your garden. Find durable teak garden furniture and arrange it in a way that compliments the garden whilst also offering a comfortable place to stay. If your garden has enough space, you can even consider building a garden house to the space. The house can ideally be made of wood in simple designs and could be one that would go along with the rest of the arrangement of your garden.

The aforementioned teak garden furniture can come in the form of tables, seats, hangers, and umbrellas. All different types can add a sense of style to your seating arrangements and provide you with a good place to enjoy your newly refurbished garden from.

  1. Add a water feature to enjoy from the garden

One of the most popular features to add to an improved garden is a new water feature. These can add some much-needed movement to static gardens and can even be adapted to include fish and other aquatic life. We recommend investing in good quality pondless waterfall installation so that they do not appear tacky and fit in the rest of the garden’s teak furniture. It could also give an aura that you’re in some magical place. Now, who wouldn’t want something like that?

  1. Create a vegetable patch to tend to and nurture

If you want to save some money on groceries whilst also putting your green thumbs to use, vegetable plots can be a great solution. You can grow tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes and other vegetables which can be used in your cooking whilst also providing a natural feel to your outdoor space. We recommend enacting this improvement if your garden is patio based without a huge amount of space or greenery.

  1. Upgrade the greenhouse with fresh plants

If you have made all the improvements that you can to your garden it may be time to invest in a quality greenhouse. These enclosed spaces offer better conditions for some plants and can be a good way to diversify the type and number of plants in your garden. If you keep the greenhouse clean and full of live plants this can be a good feature for your garden itself; adding to the view from you teak garden furniture seating area.

Create the perfect garden to enjoy your leisure time in

The improvements listed above all have the potential to add a great deal of value to your garden. This value will come in the form of better family time, personal relaxation and your reduced food costs for your household. Investing in good quality teak garden furniture and durable plants will help you create an outdoor environment that everyone can enjoy.

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