4 Enhancements to Your Home You Can Make Yourself

4 Enhancements to Your Home You Can Make Yourself

You don’t have to undergo a renovation to enhance your home. There are plenty of projects that can make your house look more appealing within a couple of hours. If you want to make your home look great without spending a lot of time or money, consider using these four enhancements. 

Attract More Birds


Image via Flickr by Infomastern

Attracting more birds to your house will bring more bright colors and beautiful songs into your life. Building a birdhouse is the first step to getting more birds to spend time in your yard. If you really want a lot of action, though, you should build a birdfeeder in your yard.

The type of seed that you use will determine the kinds of birds that visit your home. Black-oil sunflower seeds will attract the most variety. If you want cardinals, fill your birdfeeder with safflower seeds. If you prefer finches, fill your feeder with thistle seed. Make sure you keep your birdfeeder full at all times. If birds settle near your yard, they may rely on it as a food source during fall and winter months.

Decorate Your Mailbox

Decorating mailboxes is a good way to make your house festive for any holiday. Some ideas you might want to explore throughout the year include:

  • Tying cornstalks to your mailbox pole during fall
  • Adding brightly-colored flowers to your mailbox during spring
  • Hanging a holiday sign from your mailbox during winter

No matter what time of the year it is, you can always find an interesting way to decorate your mailbox.

Bring Potted Plants Inside

Potted plants can make your home feel more relaxing. They can also filter the air to remove pollutants.

To get the most out of plants, you will need to choose an option that thrives indoors. Some of the easiest plants to grow inside include:

  • Aloe
  • English ivy
  • Jade plants
  • Peace lilies

Always do research before adding a new plant to your collection. Some of them may require certain amounts of water or light to survive and some may be toxic for pets.

Replace Your Faucets

Like any kind of decorative element in your home, faucets can start to look dated after several years. Replacing them with new models is a good way to keep up with decorating trends without spending a lot of money.

Depending on the type of plumbing in your home, you can usually install new faucets on your own  unless you have copper pipes that don’t let you attach faucets easily. Those pipes, however, are rare in modern houses. In any case, if you are unsure of how to do the job yourself, you should always consult a licensed plumber.

Improving your home isn’t always something that needs to take a lot of effort. As long as you focus on projects that you can finish in a short amount of time, you can enhance your home easily.

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